The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Quilts & Snakes

Don't think I ever showed you the original Ginger Grove from Sue Spargo that I made, wonderful wools and cottons and lots of embellishments. This one I gave away so I made the red version for myself which I posted earlier.

And then there are the snakes, we have them in Montana, rattlesnakes, I hate killing anything, so Jim and will catch them and release them to an area where they are safe and we are even safer.


  1. Yeaaakkk... snakes. Hope he brings them far far away from your house.

    But your quilt is beautiful.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Your quilt is so beautiful! We didn't have a meeting eith a snake this summer. how do you catch them. I am afraid for them .....

  4. You're a better woman than me. Your quilt is beautiful, I love the detail.

  5. Yup - I would not like those snakes! Eeeewwwwww! And yes, I love this quilt of Sue's. Both of yours were so beautiful!


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