The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Purse and What was I thinking

Just working on some small projects for now, so hot.  A very pink and red purse with wool applique based on the Maggie B. pattern from the prim mag.  The two sides just need to be hand stitched together now with a buttonhole stitch.

I think I must have been out in the Montana sun too long or maybe I had my one glass of wine when I posted about Kay Harmon's Chocolate Bon Bons quilt.  What a lack of descriptive words to decribe her quilt.  It's a wonderful mix of prim and applique basket filled with appliqued flowers on the chocolate fabric background.  You can see it here on Kay's blog:


  1. Love this purse as well as your others!

  2. I love the color combinations you use on your purses, I have to try that pattern, would be a nice thing to make up for the girls for christmas.


  3. Thanks for the link Nancy,I'm popping over to take a look.
    Your bag is really pretty,love the colours.

  4. Love the colors!

  5. Darling purse!!! My daughter would go gaga over that!

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog. They are so appreciated. Thank you..........


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