The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Purse

Finished the pink purse and will soon be on it's way to a very sweet, pretty little girl.  I hope she likes it.


  1. Oh my heart! Your great big huge heart!

    There has got to be a better way to say 'thank you' than the English language provides....

    Thank you so much Nancy! She will love it. A great big huge hug to you from me!!

    Henny Penny Rubow :D
    149 S. 2370 W. Provo, UT 84601

    1. Then I will get to see this one in real life this fall! Yea!

  2. I love how that came out, really gorgeous wools.
    I want to make some small pouches for phones and things that I can make for tmy daughter and DIL to add to the gifts.


  3. Your quilts are unique and beautiful. You live in a part of the country my husband and I hope to visit in our retirement travels. I think I would love to live in Montana. I love winter and hate the heat but alas Alabama is my home and I will only get to visit my colder neighbors!! I'm a rare bird that prefers the cold.
    Gmama Jane I would love to have you visit me over at Grandmamas Stories.

  4. P.S I'm a new follower!!
    Gmama Jane

  5. Your pink purse is lovely. I'm sure she'll love it.

  6. The finished purse came out so well, I love the shades of pink you've used and the neat stitching to join it together. Lovely!!!


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