The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Friday, May 10, 2013

Baskets, Berries and Leaves, Blk 4

I finished the fourth block from the BOM.  This block is called Berries and Leaves.  Simple block but makes a big statement, quick and easy even with the small berries.

I was watching the ewe as she kept slapping the water in the pail with her hoof.  I have no idea why they do that, in the winter I thought it was to break the ice away, but now, I don't know.  Over the years they have broken all the nice cement bird baths so this is the best they get now.  She's a mess, still shedding her winter coat. 


  1. It may be that she can't see the water unless it's moving. No scientific data to back that up just an idea.

  2. Maybe habit from the winter freeze and when she sees it moving she knows she can drink it? Another wonderful block.


  3. Another great block, the quilt will be stunning when finished.

  4. Hi Nancy, love the new block, will be stunning.....Wonder why she does that, she does look so scruffy, but beautiful, Francine.

  5. I am loving this BOM...maybe to see it and/or to ensure that there are no varmits/snacks hiding in the water?

  6. My DD lives up north where it is tropical and her German Shepherd does the same with his water bowl. He would be happy standing under a running tap, something to do with body heat but that would hardly be likely in Montana? Love the 4th block. Great progress on this pattern.

  7. hi Nancy, i have been scrolling thru your posts trying to catch up a bit. always fun to stop by and see what you are working on, the beautiful fabrics and patterns. also of course the visitors to your yard are always great to see! enjoy your weekend!

  8. Great progress on the blocks.
    I had a cat who always pawed the water - I thought is was so she sould see better? But she always preferred to drink moving water.

  9. I love seeing your Basket, Berries and Leaves blocks. I started this years ago when I got the quarterly kits from Jan Patek. I have a few done...maybe I should dig this project out and try to get it done! I love it today just as much as as did when I got it. Keep stitching! Nancy in WI

  10. Lovely block, lovely animal. Don't animals sometimes have the strangest habits? Well, strange to us, that is. So cute...

  11. Hi Nancy,
    So pleased to see the next block and looking so great.
    The ewe is looking ready for summer, has she moulted?
    I guess this is her version of a pedicure.
    Sending you smiles,

  12. Your newest block is lovely...
    a perfect addition to the others.

  13. Love your latest block!

  14. That's a wonderful block too, but the house is still my favorite.
    I'm guessing too, it might be movement of the water, or to scare off the insects before they drink.


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