The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

I've shown this quilt before, but I love it so, it is a duplicate of the one that was buried with my Mother when she passed away almost eleven years ago. She never got to see it, or maybe she did. Jim was bringing it to her in Texas, but she had a stroke before he arrived. The nurses put it on her bed at the hospital.
Such wonderful pictures of her life and family.

A wish for much happiness tomorrow to all the Mom's out there.


  1. I love the quilt you made in memory of your Mother. The older I get, the more I miss my Mother.

  2. A wonderful memory quilt. I made one for my mother the year before she passed away. She said it was the best quilt I ever made. Lots of family photos on it.

  3. It is hard for us who have mom's that have gone.
    That is such a beautiful memory of your mom.
    Someday I want to make some memory quilts.



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