The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Sunday, October 19, 2008


A finish, one goal while recuperating from surgery was to finish one major BOM or quilt that has been waiting on me, work and Jim and pain had gotten in the way of my concentration. So I was thrilled to have completed Folklore today, hand applique and hand quilted with wool threads. Such a beautiful, fun design from Sue Spargo.


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    This is STUNNING! I love it and I particularly love the bottom row of houses. Your work is beautiful :o)

  2. It is beautiful - congratulations on a great finish!

  3. What a cheery quilt...Glad to hear you are on the mend and that this project is helping that process. (((hugs)))

  4. What a beautiful quilt, it must have taken a lot of hard work - well done! I was also admiring your dear friends quilts below, which are also really great - I particularly like the 5th one down with all the houses on it:0)

  5. It is gorgeous! I am happy you are getting well enough to have a finish. Did you do it from her kit, or your own fabrics? I love her website!

  6. Clouds and silver linings here Nancy - pain and discomfort before and then after the op but it's given you the chance to complete something gorgeous - hope your recovery is going to plan and Jim is well at the moment

  7. Hi Nancy! Found your blog over at Beth's. Enjoyed seeing your work, this is a very pretty and unique and pretty design. Very nice.

  8. Absolutly beautiful. Congrats on yoru finish!

  9. Oh I"m so glad you got it finished. How are you doing? I hope your doing well.

  10. Hello! Such a lovely quilt! I'm sorry for your friend Ruthie. I know a lot about friends and cancer..
    But good memories are forever!
    I want to make a quilt similar her, I loved the BOM house quilt..

  11. This quilt is incredible! I wish I had your stick-to-it to get all my stitching completed. Hope you and Jim are as well as can be. So many thoughts are with both of you.

  12. I love that quilt! You did such a great job! It's gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!

  13. What a wonderful work of art!!!!!!!!!

  14. Gorgeous, j'adore...I love ...


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