The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Monday, October 09, 2006

Prim Art Quilts

I call this quilt Prim Donuts, it's a prim art quilt in that the donuts were fused and then machine appliqued at the same time as I machine quilted it. Something a little different.

Winter is here in Montana, four inches of snow last night, it was a surprise, but oh so beautiful.

I was on the phone last evening when I heard a bump outside the window, there was a doe with her twin fawns teaching them how to stand on their hind legs to reach my window boxes and eat the flowers, so close thru the glass that I could see their beautiful eyes and even more beautiful eyelashes. I let them eat away since the season is over already for any flowers.


  1. 4 inches of snow -- I wouldn't know what to do -- I still have blossoms on my tomato plants *s* Another beauty of a quilt made with fabrics that I just love. I can see several that I have on my shelf.

  2. No snow here yet, but I'm almost ready. What a lovely experience with the deer.

  3. Beautiful quilts. Are you sending the snow our way? 30% chance wed nite...

  4. Snow already!? I love snow, can't wait for it to start here. The deer sound beautiful. What a lucky experience.

  5. I"m always so in love with your stuff, every time I see it, it is like seeing it new again!


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