The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Prim Quilt from the past, present and some painting

 My Prim String quilt from the past.  I don't remember when I made it, many years ago, but an online friend said it looks like fabric stacked on a shelf.  Lots of Brannock and Patek fabrics.  It's hanging on the ceiling in the dining room.
 Another Cross quilt for a sister-in-law.  Love the dark muslin I found for the background.
 Painting a little trim red to match the red roof, lots more to go, but taking my time, it's so hot and the biting flies. And there's a ladder involved.  The old metal chairs were found at the green dumpsters, a great find since they have Yellowstone stamped on them.  Nothing fancy, but it suits me.
And that other find, you were probably thinking, "what", painted in a white wash and now projects I need to finish are looking at me.  The Zipper purse, the jumper wool tote, the angel fabric, vintage, from Brannock and Patek, to be quilted for a little lap quilt, Lynda Hall's A Little Porch Time, only have two blocks made so far and the magazine.  There's a project in it I want to make.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bible and Story Quilts by Harriet Powers

 Thanks to Kathie from Inspired by Antique Quilts, I bought this little book last year because I was overwhelmed after seeing the two quilts that Harriet Powers made back in the late 1880's depicting scenes from the bible and her own life stories. Lots of information in this little book about Harriet Powers and the stories behind her images. So after receiving lots of lots of photos from Kathie that she had taken at a museum of the Pictorial quilt a few weeks ago, which is the one on the cover, I have put it on my mission of quilts to produce.  The second picture is the Bible quilt.
I went to the big city yesterday for a doc appointment, went very well, and while there, was able to buy the background fabric for which ever quilt I decide to make, it's Roclon muslin, a fabric Cherie told me about, good quality muslin and a great price.  Drying it now and it feels aged, that's a good thing, will use it also to back Jim's Cross quilt so I can finish it.  I have three more cross quilts to make for his family.  I can tell when I talk to them that they would like to have something made from one of his shirts. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Primitive Quilts & Projects Magazine

 Jeni and her staff has published yet another stunning issue of her Primitive Quilt Magazine.  I drove 40 miles today to the post office after seeing that others had received their copy, unable to wait any longer.  My subscription is a gift from a friend from my Yahoo group, never met her either, would like to.  Thanks Debbie.
Just one of the many prim projects, this is by Cheri Payne, don't want to spoil the rest of the magazine.  You won't be disappointed.  I actually see one that I would machine stitch.  Enjoy your copy and congrats to Jeni for striving to bring such a quality primitive magazine to those of us who love that style of quilting.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Imperial Bloom

Starting block three of Imperial Blooms, added a stem for now as I prep the block, can't have a floating flower, at least for now. Can remove it later if it doesn't work. Have more shell beads in blue that I will use on the circles. I see I need to iron that fabric again, now I see the crease.

He's Back

The young black bear has been back, only once, and gave him a good scare. He thought about a bluff stance, but turned and ran, grumbling as he ran away. Good bear.

I do have a telephoto lens, not the best, but works.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stark Raven Mad

I finished the top of Stark Raven Mad that I had started last year,  the book was from my friend who I would like to meet one day, Cherie Ralston, but then I would have to travel to Kansas, I think it gets hot there.  Anyway, from her book, Under the Stars.  Combination wool and cotton, needle turn applique on the circles and the rest is a whip stitch on the wool appliques.
 Background blocks are wool as are all the rest of the appliques except for the center fabric circle.  Very not perfect.
Cherie's verson, there's a reason for my version and her version, I don't do triangles and I like to do as much as I can by hand when I make a quilt.  And I don't worry about perfection.  Cherie's quilt is perfect.

Black batting, yes there is black batting, hard to find sometimes unless you order it online.  Started using it on my dark wool purses so they don't stretch after I sew on the appliques.  Like using it on dark quilts, also.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Primitive Circles and Stars

I've had this top made for some time now, inspired from one of the blocks from The Collector Series by Jan Patek and Linda Brannock, needle turn applique on all the stars and circles.  Used lots of my old Brannock & Patek fabrics. Decided to pin baste it today, actually had some black batting for a change, and now to quilt it.  Just feel like hand quilting it.  That might change by the time I pick up the needle.

Thinking, thinking, and thinking some more that I better start selling some quilts,  will let you know if I am still thinking.  When I do, it will be from my blog, or Ebay.  Hard to know right now with the economy which is best, been awhile since I sold on Ebay.  Just thinking.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Homeward Dove Wallhanging

Finished this folk art-art wallhanging today, based on the song from Leonard Cohen that I had previously posted, "lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove.". I will wait and give it to Jim's sister for Christmas.

Machine quilted and then the applique added and then the dove feathers added to the pocket, with perle cotton emblishment here and there.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Bear on Sunday

A young male black bear this morning, very unusual this time of day and as warm as it is.  Had to use some harsh words to run him off several times, following the Bear Whisperer's technique, he's young, so he hasn't learned what may get him into trouble.  Brought the feeders in and will keep them in until I'm sure he's headed to the higher elevations.

Imperial Blooms and a Gift

A rested body and mind for now, have to take it a day at a time and remember from a book that I continue to read and reread over, called "Good Grief", love the title, anyway, from the book, "must learn to embrace my loss, and everything that comes with it, sorrow and joy, tears and laughter, love and loss, what was and what will be."  And when the feelings of loss become too much, how to take a deep breath, and rest my thoughts and my body. 

So, a finished Imperial Bloom block and a gift, a wonderful Mouse pinkeep and sewing box from a member of my Yahoo group.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Dance Me to the End of Love

Taking a break from blogging.

Leaving you with this haunting song from Leonard Cohen,
Dance Me to the End of Love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love, dance me to the end of love

From an interview with Leonard Cohen, "Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin," meaning the beauty there of being the consummation of life, the end of this existence and of the passionate element in that consummation.

You might want to listen to the entire song on

Only one tortured by bottomless emotion could write such exquisite agony, from a listener, I have to agree.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Country Redwood

That's the color of the paint Bev, from Benjamin Moore.  An old picnic table made new with a fresh coat of paint, can sit and look down to the canyon.

And then found this wooden railing at the trash and am going to clean and paint it white for my sewing room.  As you can see, can hang my magazines or books that I have a project to work on from and won't be lost in a pile on a table some where.  I like seeing what I am working on.

And for the first time after staying busy on my feet all day, no aches and pains, think my ortho visit at the end of the month will be a good one.

Friday, July 08, 2011

My Red Door

My newly painted front door with a 1996 fabric panel from Brannock and Patek for a little curtain.  Think it frames the door well.  I move like a turtle now, so it's taking time to just paint trim and getting some stitching in when it's time to rest.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

A Blurry Bear Story & a Tragedy

Reading today of a fatal mauling of a tourist in Yellowstone by a Grizzly female bear with cubs.  The man was hiking with his wife when they surprised the bear and her instinct to protect her cubs ended in her attacking the man, ending in his death.  Such a tragedy for the family and can't imagine the feeling of anguish for the wife having to experience and witness such a horrid scene.

The blurry picture of a black bear was our first encounter with a bear on the property.  Only a few years after moving here.  I don't know who scared who, Jim shooting over the head of the bear to scare him off, but the sound freaked out the bear causing him to rear up as I snapped a picture, me shocked at the sound of a gunshot and the bear standing since Jim had not warned me he was going to do that.  And this was only a black bear, loaming large as he stood tall.  He quickly left as I headed for the door with my hands shaking.  Have learned since to be on the alert for any possible encounter with wildlife, here or in the park.  Jim always carried bear spray and a pistol, but unlikely a tourist would have more than bear spray. 

Very, very sad for the family. 

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


I've been thinking of Jim today, not that I don't think of him each and every day, just more so today.  Thinking of making a quilt for his sister, Diane.  One like this with dove feathers that I have been saving.  I love the words.  Hope
that he knows he is missed, loved and that he is at peace.  That with hope, our souls will continue to sing that we were blessed that  he was in our lives and
he hears our tunes of love, singing to him every day even without any words.

I made this quilt for Julie back in 2006 for her to remember to hope for the recovery of her brother, severely injuried in a car accident.

The oil spill is hundreds of miles away, just outside of Billings, flowing away from this area.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Primitive Checkerboard Quilt

A nice surprise in the mail today.  A letter from Fons & Porter magazine.  They are publishing a new book called Best of Fons and Porter Gift Quilts and want to use my quilt that was published in their magazine back in 2008.  The book won't be out until early 2012.  Such a simple little quilt using Brannock and Patek fabrics.  I'm delighted.

Imperial Blooms, block 2, The 4th

Progress on block 2 from Imperial Garden.  I did use the shell like beads instead of wool for the inside of the circle, reversed the beads so they had a less "shiny" look to them, more texture on the backside.  Need to finish some embellishment stitches and on to another block.

Have to fit all this in between chores and the heat now.  Actually hot in Montana, 90 today.  And of all things, an oil spill in our beautiful Yellowstone River when it's at flood stage, just outside of Billings.

Not much on celebrating the 4th, it was 2 years ago that I brought Jim home from his own wreck and he would never drive again.  A difficult two years for both of us, coming to terms with his worsening progression, despite trying to put a smile on everything.  Just not always possible.