The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Friday, August 03, 2012

Don't Look if you're afraid of Snakes

Remember the story I told a month or so ago about the man at Walmart who went to pick up a stick and instead it was a rattlesnake and was bitten.  I went to feed the birds and saw a feather, always pick up a feather for good luck, Jim use to say.  So I did.  Yikes, the feather was good luck because there was a rattler not far from where my hand was.  I think he wasn't interested since his belly seems to be full. 
He moved into the sun while I pondered what to do with him.  I'm eating lunch still pondering.  In all the years of living here, Jim and I had never killed any animal until last year. I've caught many a snake and relocated them.  Yes, I know, I can hear you screaming.  The same sounds come from my neighbors. Back to my one killing incident, I had to shoot an animal last year that my neighbors were freaked that it had rabies.  I did it, but it bothered me.  I would have bothered Jim, also.

So, anyway, thinking, live and let live, maybe I'll go sew and ponder some more and give him time to find his way back home.


  1. Oh you brave woman. I am TERRIFIED of snakes. KILL IT!!! I'm okay with letting things live but rattle snakes that can/will kill live stock. KILL IT! (At least that is my justification for killing something innocent.) :D

    I'm so glad you didn't get bit!! Yes, you are a lucky lady!

  2. I would have to call someone to come and do something with it. Otherwise I would never be able to go outside there again!

  3. I would hate to think of you getting bitten and no help around.
    I hate killing things too, but I don't want you to get too close.


  4. If it was any other type of creature No but I would be worried maybe your animals might get bit or you.Hugs Cheri

  5. you have to be so cautious out there! we have water moccasins here and they need to be encouraged to move on from time to time. BE CAREFUL!

  6. Cindy5:04 PM

    Take a shovel-long handled of course and take care of it. Any time there is birdseed, carnivorous snakes will make it their territory as the seed draws mice, birds and large insects. These are all on the snake's menu. Trust me, there are enough rattlers there in the Valley, one won't be missed, but you would be missed.

  7. Cindy5:11 PM

    Is a ranch girl, remember to get him while he is stretched out. He can't strike very far then as opposed to when his muscles are coiled. I have killed every rattlesnake I've been able to. Have you seen what an elk or cattle, or horses look like after a bite?
    Just saying-not much of a choice.

  8. Be careful....scary. But I would have trouble killing him, too.

  9. I do hope your snake relocates himself and I thank my lucky stars that here in England we only have one poisonious snake, the Adder, which is rarely seen.
    Take care when you feed the birds and hang out your quilts!!
    Hugs, Angela.x

  10. I'm with you.Let him relocate. He didn't bite you when he could have. Just wear boots when you go outside.

  11. I am not a big fan of snakes . . . but just couldn't look away anyway. I love that you try to relocate them. They don't really realize they are causing us humans alarm *s*


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