The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Monday, November 08, 2010

Our first snow of the season

Just in time to drive home from work in the dark with the time change and avoid the deer, elk and we still have bears out that have yet to den since the weather has been nice until today. The report is that they are very hungry from a lack of their natural foods like nut seeds so they are in the most unusal places looking for food.


  1. Nancy - The pictures you show always stun me with their beauty. Thank you so much for sharing that beauty.

  2. I hope that the bears don`t bother you!! love your gorgeous pictures sure wish we got some.There was some north of us.
    I love your header picture it is just perfect to get lost in.

  3. We had our first snow, too - just not as beautiful nor lasting. You live in a wonderful spot *s*

  4. We actually had snow too, guess we are all in for an early winter.


  5. Looks beautiful and cold :-)
    Hope you stay warm!


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