The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Thursday, November 04, 2010

More Progress on Stark Raven Mad

Cutting out the applique for the quilt, my fingers are to worn out right now from that purse applique, so will work on getting all the pieces pinned and placed and another quilt needs to be machine quilted for a quick gift for a nursing friend who is retiring at 72, 72, I better be retired way before then.


  1. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Looks great, Nancy! And 72??? Holy moly, I had better be retired long before then too!

  2. That's a wonderful quilt! And me too...I'm counting down to make it working till I'm 65 or can find a way to have health insurance before that!

  3. I like the clever name of the quilt design.


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