The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Sunday, September 05, 2010


Glue basted another 4 segments of another installment from the Collector Series. Love working with these old vintage Brannock & Patek fabrics, have such a different feel to them in your hands, it's hard to explain.

Oh, as I'm typing this a black bear just passed outside the window, is very cool and rainy right now, he was easily scared away when I went to see if I could snap a picture. Looked healthy, but soaking wet.


  1. I know exactly what you mean by the older B & P fabrics. And the look of them is wonderful.

    A bear! Wow. We have bears in Florida but not in our area.

  2. Anonymous7:14 PM

    We have bears here in Wisconsin too, but more up north :o) They are gorgeous!

    And I am loving your project. The fabrics are so perfect.

  3. I'm really enjoying watching your progress on this. I started it from a kit years ago and really should get back to it. I like it as much now as I did when I bought it so it's a shame it's not finished. I sure wish I'd bought more of those older B & P fabrics.

  4. Great collector series blocks. I'll love to see the quilt put together. Wish the bear had put up with having a picture taken. We have deer, skunk and racoons going by here. I'm not sure what the dogs would think of bears going by!

  5. I know just what you are talking about - those fabrics are just delicious!


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