The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Thursday, October 05, 2006


We found Mickey 20 years ago, he was about 2 years old then, we lived in Texas back then. Jim came home from work, it was dark, storming and raining and said there was a Siamese cat sitting in the ditch crying out. I ran out into the rain and grabbed him and bought him home, he's been with us ever since. Thought only once that maybe I took him from a neighbor, but no one ever asked about him so he became ours. He always hides under a bed when ever there is a storm, must give him a bad feeling. He's had an eventful life. He's been caught in a trap that a neighbor had set up to catch who knows what, one leg almost severed, but the Vet saved his leg. He rode for five days with us in our move to Texas to Montana, howling like a Siamese the whole time. I'm sure he got on the nerves of the other four cats who were riding with him in the Jeep. We were still unloading our moving van when he disappeared. It didn't take us long to find him, he had found a cave and was in there howling, he never strayed after that. He's been bitten by a rattle snake and survived. He's lost most of his teeth now, but he can gum any fish I put in front of him. I'm cooking catfish for him tonight. Tomorrow we will have to put him to sleep, the grave is dug, rocks ready to put over his grave and a little cross to mark the spot. He's had a good life, probably better than most humans. We will miss him.


  1. Nancy, sending a {{{hug}}}.

    You'll be in my thoughts.


  2. Oh, Nancy, Mickey has had a wonderful life with you and your DH. I'll be thinking about all of you tomorrow and sending warmest thoughts.

  3. What a post to honor him.

  4. It is so sad to do things like that. But remember he is 20 years and have lived a good life with you. I had to put my abysinian cat away last summer. He got 15 years but got cancer. It was no idea operating him said the vet. It was the worse decicion ever but I remeber him having 15 good years with us. A big hug from me.

  5. It's not easy letting go of those you love...
    Take care

  6. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Awww poor kitty - mine will send purrs. (& A request for some of that fish...)

  7. Anonymous9:55 AM

    My warmest thoughts, Nancy !


  8. Blessings to Mickey, hugs to Nancy, take care!

  9. SO SO sorry :( ((hugs)) and Godspeed to Mickey. melzie

  10. Oh Nancy, a warm hug sent to you and Jim. What a beauty she/he is. But what a long and wonderful life he had with you and Jim!


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