The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Friday, October 06, 2006


I love this picture of me and my Dad, I have no recollection of this picture when it was taken, but it reminds me of the memories we create with pictures and quilts. You all don't know me, but you sent me wonderful emails during a time of sadness, picture me older, a birthday looms as I type, and the messages were very much appreciated.


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Nancy, this picture is lovely !
    My father is still alive, but he doesn't want to see me for years (long story : he didn't accept my mariage with an Italian...). Actually, the last time I saw him was at my mom's funeral, 12 years ago, and he didn't even speak to me... But he's my father, and you make me think I must have some pictures of him and me, when I was a kid (I was always told that he loved me very much). I'm gonna look for such a picture, I guess it'll do me good....
    Thanks, Nancy !

    NADINE, in Belgium.

  2. It looks like you two might be sharing a little secret. What a sweet photo.

  3. Oh what a wonderful picture! I love those old pictures! You have spunk in you even then!


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