The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A project and a wildlife picture

This is a wool project I just started from McCall's Vintage quilts. I do love working with wool.

And since you all seemed to like the pic of Sidney and her deer friend, here's one more, they were on Animal Planet, was able to take a video of the deer grooming Sidney and it was too cute.


  1. The deer photos are wonderful!

    I just signed up for Sue Spargo's 2007 BOM -- your work on this year's and Ginger Grove inspired me!

    Jeanne :)

  2. Your wool collection must be awesome. That is a stunning project.

    Love the new kitty and deer photo -- they must have been good pals.

  3. What a great picture from the kitty and the deer. It is amazing to see them together

  4. Oh how cute! Sydney looks so happy and content!


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