The Pokeberry Quilt

The Pokeberry Quilt

Friday, September 29, 2006

Family Branch

I meant to upload this pic on the last blog to show you the Family Branch quilt or wallhanging of Lynda Hall's that I had made for my boss. Added a little needle felting, my boss also has a sheep ranch so I thought adding the felting would be just perfect. She loved it.


  1. It's so neat that everyone in blogland is getting to see all these wonderful quilts of yours that we have enjoyed for years. You can probably post for months without taking a single new picture or making another thing, right/ I'm loving seeing all of these again.

  2. Another great quilt. Your fabric stash must be delightful.

  3. Oh I loved this one the first time I saw it too! But I really love the way you hung it from a branch!


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